Maryland Peace Annex


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Voter turnout in Maryland
A summary of unofficial voter turnout for the 2002 general election for all the counties of Maryland
From Maryland State Board of Elections
Originally published November 6, 2002

County 2002 Turnout 1998 1994 1990
Allegany 56.31% 56.43% 61.88% 64.33%
Anne Arundel 62.28% 62.72% 67.15% 65.28%
Baltimore City 53.40% 55.90% 46.36% 37.99%
Baltimore County 65.68% 61.04% 64.21% 59.24%
Calvert 59.48% 61.60% 68.11% 61.79%
Caroline 57.03% 58.69% 67.52% 65.58%
Carroll 66.08% 62.53% 68.97% 61.84%
Cecil 56.90% 51.75% 57.27% 59.41%
Charles 55.41% 57.55% 56.66% 50.10%
Dorchester 61.67% 61.25% 66.64% 64.50%
Frederick 54.80% 56.30% 63.70% 56.11%
Garrett 56.25% 56.68% 69.74% 63.63%
Harford 65.91% 66.14% 67.73% 58.00%
Howard 58.76% 64.22% 69.86% 56.52%
Kent 69.57% 66.87% 73.80% 69.75%
Montgomery 60.70% 64.42% 63.21% 57.71%
Prince George's 52.44% 59.46% 54.04% 48.55%
Queen Anne's 66.50% 67.14% 69.77% 65.98%
St. Mary's 58.33% 58.25% 62.32% 54.00%
Somerset 55.15% 57.14% 70.35% 68.86%
Talbot 59.16% 61.04% 68.32% 64.29%
Washington 53.26% 54.01% 62.54% 59.92%
Wicomico 54.94% 52.20% 58.47% 59.52%
Worcester 56.32% 59.46% 61.50% 64.00%
Total 59.20% 60.59% 60.67% 54.85%

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